35 Math Problems for 2nd Graders
Second grade is an exciting time to be a mathematician! Practice addition, subtraction, place value, geometry, and more with this list of math problems for second graders.

Katie Wickliff

Oct 2024
Key takeaways
- Math word problems for 2nd graders help students develop critical thinking skills, improve comprehension, and apply math concepts to practical scenarios.
- Exploring time, measurement, and money helps 2nd grade students understand the world and develop essential life skills.
- Second grade math practice should be consistent, engaging, and fun! Use worksheets, books, card games, and our interactive math program to help strengthen new math skills.
In second grade math, students build on knowledge gained in kindergarten and 1st grade. They begin to work with larger numbers and develop a stronger understanding of place value. This list includes word problems for 2nd graders and will help students practice these concepts. We’ll also explore measurement, estimation, telling time, and working with money. Let’s get started.
35 math problems for 1st graders (with answers!)
Addition, Subtraction and Counting
- Julie counts 23 fish in one pond. She counts 13 more fish in another pond. How many fish does Julie count altogether?
- Max has 10 crayons on his desk. He finds 15 more crayons inside his desk. How many crayons does Max have altogether?
- Briana collected 84 pieces of candy on Halloween. Her little sister collected 55 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy do the girls have altogether?
- An animal shelter has 28 puppies available for adoption. On Tuesday, 7 puppies and 13 kittens are adopted. How many puppies are left at the shelter?
- Zoe made 39 friendship bracelets and gave 6 away. She then made 10 more friendship bracelets. How many bracelets does Zoe have now?
- Fill in the blanks: 5, 10, ___, 20,__, 30, 35, 40___, ___
- Fill in the blanks ___, 20, 30, ____, 50, ____,70, 80, 90, ____
- How can you represent the number line with an equation?

- Using the number line, solve 9+6=?

10. Amir bakes 24 cookies for the school bake sale. Gia bakes 18 cookies for the school bake sale. Amir and Gia work together and sell all but 5 of their cookies. How many cookies did Amir and Gia sell altogether?
Table of contents
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Place Value
- What is the place value of 2 in the number 6,912?
- What is the place value of 9 in the number 6,912?
- What is the place value of 1 in the number 6,912?
- Compose a 3 digit number: 300+80+7=
- Compose a 3 digit number: 400+60+6=
- Write the number 562 in expanded form
- Write the number 771 in expanded form
- Form a number with the following: 9 in the ones place, 2 in the tens place, and 4 in the hundreds place
- Form a number with the following: 3 in the ones place, 0 in the tens place, and 2 in the hundreds place
- Look at the table below and determine which digit goes into the hundreds, tens, and ones place. The first one has been done for you.
- Tim is 6 feet tall. His little brother Henry is 3 feet shorter than Tim. How tall is Henry?
- Kate’s ribbon was 60 inches long. After she gave some to Amayah, her ribbon was 37 inches long. How much ribbon did Kate give to Amayah?
- Use a quarter to estimate the length of the following objects. (A quarter is about 1 inch wide)

- How long is the spoon?

- How tall is the action figure?

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- Add the coins.

- Add the coins.

- Write the currency value $14.55 in words
- Write the currency value $99.10 in words
- Write the amount twelve dollars and fifty-seven cents using a dollar sign
Telling Time
- Perry leaves the house at 8:00. It takes him15 minutes to get to school. What time does Perry get to school?
- Ella gets to soccer practice at 5:15. Harper gets to soccer practice at 5:45. How much later was Harper than Ella?
- Looking at the clock below, round to the nearest quarter hour.

- Looking at the clock below, round to the nearest quarter hour.

- Looking at the clock below, round to the nearest quarter hour.

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Answer Sheet for 1st Grade Math Practice
Addition and subtraction
- 36 fish
- 25 crayons
- 139 pieces of candy
- 21 puppies are left
- 43 bracelets
- 15, 25, 45, 50
- 10, 40, 60, 100
- 6+5=11
- Starting point on 9, then “jump” 6 spots to land on 15.
- Amir and Gia sold 37 cookies
Place value
- The digit 2 is in the ones place and has a value of 2
- The digit 9 is in the hundreds place and has a value of 900
- The digit 1 is in the tens place and has a value of 10
- 387
- 466
- 500+60+2
- 700+70+1
- 429
- 203
- See the chart below:
- Henry is 3 feet tall
- Kate gave 23 inches of ribbon to Amayah
- The pencil is about 10 inches long and the catepillar is about 4 inches long
- The spoon is 9 inches long
- The action figure is 11 inches tall
- $0.52
- $0.62
- Fourteen dollars and fifty-five cents
- Ninety-nine dollars and ten cents
- $12.57
Telling Time
- 8:15
- Harper was 30 minutes later than Ella
- 3:15
- 9:30
- 7:45
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