On-Demand Training & Resources
Whether you are brand new to Discovery Education or have been with us for a while, explore the on-demand resources below to learn how to maximize your experience with DE!
New Timely Resources
Full Discovery Education Resources
Traditional Streaming Resources
Curriculum Pack Resources
New Timely Resources
Explore new webinars and resources

"New School Year, New Math Goals with DreamBox Math!"

BTS with Discovery Education Experience
"Nurturing Curiosity and Enhancing Learning with Discovery Education Experience!"
Full Discovery Education Resources
Explore webinars and resources exclusive to our full Discovery Education partners.

Webinar: What’s NEW with DE?
We’ve made it easier—and more intuitive—to find, build, and deliver compelling lessons that enhance learning through traditional and digital resources. Capture students’ attention, no matter what you are teaching, track progress using Quiz and manage assignments in the fully redesigned My Classrooms. Explore amazing content from new partners such as Minecraft, Sesame Workshop, Marzano Academies and more!

Webinar: Increasing Student Engagement with Ready-to-Use Activities and Quiz
Now with a quicker workflow, Studio will be your favorite creative tool for daily instruction. Our classroom engagement tool, Quiz, gives you multiple ways to promote active learning in the classroom and check for student understanding in real time.

Webinar: Introducing the brand new DE Student Portal
Join us to learn about the refreshed Assignments section making it easier to prioritize, launch, and complete any lessons you assign as well as personalization options for students and a new Explore page empowering students to dive into DE digital learning resources.

Webinar: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners with DE
Learn how to differentiate instruction with multimodal digital content for multiple learning styles, degrees of readiness, and interests to support ALL learners.

Webinar: New Strategies for New Teachers
This action-packed conversation will equip you with a new toolbox of ready-to-go strategies and resources to launch the school year with excitement, inspiration, and engagement.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Discover Resources in DE
The first in a four-course series, this interactive module showcases the wide variety of resources Discovery Education has to offer as well as how to search, organize, and share these resources with students and colleagues.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Engage Students with Discovery Education
Whether you are new to Discovery Education or looking for new ways to maximize your experience, learn how to engage students in digital resources through assignments, Studio lessons, and instructional strategies. This is the second in a four-course series.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Designing Digital Lessons with Studio
Studio, Discovery Education’s content creation tool, offers an innovative and structured collaboration space for teachers and students to design, build, and share content in new and creative ways. This interactive module walks you through all the features of Studio and demonstrates how to design engaging lessons for your students. This is the third in a four-course series.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Explore the Student Experience
Similar to the teacher’s experience, students can explore and create within their own unique accounts. Explore Discovery Education from the student perspective as well as how to manage assignments for students in this interactive module. This is the fourth in a four-course series.

Video: Getting Started with DE
Watch this quick video to learn the ins and outs of DE to help you get started!

Video: Assign and Share with Students
Dive into assigning and sharing resources with students through just a few easy steps!

Video: Ready-to-Use Activities
Looking to save time? Use one of our ready-to-use activities as is or make modifications to fit the needs of your students.

Video: Create a Custom Quiz
Use DE's Quiz tool to create a video or standard quiz to quickly assess students after one of your great lessons!

Video: Design Learning Activities with Studio
Explore how to create your own activities in DE with our wide variety of resources.
Traditional Streaming Resources
Explore what our traditional Streaming platform has to offer.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Discover Resources in DE
The first in a four-course series, this interactive module showcases the wide variety of resources Discovery Education has to offer as well as how to search, organize, and share these resources with students and colleagues.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Engage Students with Discovery Education
Whether you are new to Discovery Education or looking for new ways to maximize your experience, learn how to engage students in digital resources through assignments, Studio lessons, and instructional strategies. This is the second in a four-course series.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Designing Digital Lessons with Studio
Studio, Discovery Education’s content creation tool, offers an innovative and structured collaboration space for teachers and students to design, build, and share content in new and creative ways. This interactive module walks you through all the features of Studio and demonstrates how to design engaging lessons for your students. This is the third in a four-course series.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Explore the Student Experience
Similar to the teacher’s experience, students can explore and create within their own unique accounts. Explore Discovery Education from the student perspective as well as how to manage assignments for students in this interactive module. This is the fourth in a four-course series.
Curriculum Pack Resources
Learn more about our Techbooks.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Science Techbook Essentials
Put a magnifying glass to Science Techbook to maximize your understanding of the resources and strategies that help you effectively integrate digital resources into your science instruction.

Self-Paced Interactive Course: Social Studies Techbook Essentials
Comb through the resources and strategies available within Social Studies Techbook to help you effectively integrate digital resources into your instruction.