DreamBox Teacher Tools

Find online math tools for teachers for use with your interactive white board or projector to make math lessons clear for your whole class. Each lesson includes tutorials on how to use the manipulatives and ideas for incorporating the tools into classroom lessons.

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Number Sense and Equivalence

Numbers to Ten on the TenFrame

Students use multiple strategies to identify the number of counters on a TenFrame. This lesson is about mathematical structure and using it to explain their strategies.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to Ten on the TenFrame

Numbers to Ten on the MathRack

Students use multiple strategies to identify the number of beads on a math rack. This lesson is about mathematical structure and using it to explain their strategies.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to Ten on the MathRack

Numbers to Twenty on the TenFrame

Students use multiple strategies to identify the number of counters on a TenFrame. This lesson is about mathematical structure and using it to explain their strategies.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to Twenty on the TenFrame

Numbers to Twenty on the MathRack

Students use multiple strategies to identify the number of beads on the math rack. This lesson is about the students looking for mathematical structure and using it to explain their strategies.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to Twenty on the MathRack

Addition and Subtraction

Matching Number Pairs for 8

Students practice computation strategies to create the number eight in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 8

Matching Number Pairs for 9

Students practice computation strategies to create the number nine in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 9

Matching Number Pairs for 10

Students practice computation strategies to create the number ten in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 10

First Grade

Number Sense and Equivalence

Numbers to Forty on the TenFrame

Students use multiple strategies to identify the number of counters on a TenFrame. This lesson is about mathematical structure and using it to explain their strategies.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to Forty on the TenFrame

Numbers to One Hundred on the MathRack

Students use multiple strategies to determine the number of beads on the MathRack without counting each individual bead. This lesson requires that students look for mathematical structure and use it to subitize (strategy of seeing a group as a unit without counting) large quantities and communicate their thinking.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Numbers to One Hundred on the MathRack

Addition and Subtraction

Matching Number Pairs for Twenty

Students practice computation strategies and identify number patterns and relationships to make twenty in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 20

Matching Number Pairs for Fifty

Students practice computation strategies and identify number patterns and relationships to make fifty in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 30

Matching Number Pairs for One Hundred

Students practice computation strategies and identify number patterns and relationships to make one hundred in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 100

Second Grade

Number Sense and Equivalence

Build Expression Equal to Twenty

Students are able to prove if two equations are equal by recognizing parts of the equations that are equal.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Build Expression Equal to Twenty

Build Expressions Equal to One Hundred

Using expressions that have one to three addends, this tool engages students in understanding equivalence of numbers and expressions up to one hundred
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Build Expressions Equal to One Hundred

Addition and Subtraction

Matching Number Pairs for Two Hundred

Students practice computation strategies and identify number patterns and relationships to make two hundred in a variety of ways.
dreambox math teacher tools matching pairs of 200

Addition with Tens on the Number Line

Add and Subtract Landmark Numbers: Students add or subtract two numbers by first jumping by 10 or a multiple of 10 or to the nearest multiple of 10, then adding or subtracting additional tens and leftovers (53+21 becomes 53 +10+10+1 or 53+7+10+4 or 53+20+1).
dreambox math teacher tools tens on number line

Third Grade

Number Sense and Equivalence

Equivalence up to Twenty

Students use snap blocks to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Equivalence up to Twenty

Equivalence up to One Hundred

Students use snap blocks to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
dreambox math teacher tools equiv one hundred

Ordering Fractions on the Number Line 0-1

Based on a student’s understanding that fractions represent a part-to-whole relationship, students will place a fraction on the number line between 0 and 1.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Ordering Fractions on the Number Line 0 1

Addition and Subtraction

Addition on the Number Line Using Landmark Numbers

Students use landmark numbers as a mental math strategy when adding.
dreambox math teacher tools landmark numbers

Subtraction on the Number Line Using Constant Difference

Using an open number line, students will explore subtracting numbers using the constant difference strategy.
dreambox math teacher tools constant differences

Fourth Grade

Number Sense and Equivalence

Decomposing Fractions Using Time or Money

Students use snap blocks to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Decomposing Fractions Using Time or Money

Ordering Fractions on the Number Line 0-2

Students will learn to order and compare fractions greater than one.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Ordering Fractions on the Number Line 0 2

Place Value with Decimals

Students compose numbers using multiple dials to develop an understanding of the relationship between the place values of whole numbers and decimal numbers.
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Place Value with Decimals

Equivalent Fractions on the Number Line

Students reason proportionally as they learn to use equivalent fractions while setting up a race course
dreambox teacher tools Number Sense and Equivalence Equivalent Fractions on the Number Line

Multiplication & Division

Multiplication: Open Arrays

Students compose arrays and use partial products to develop an understanding of the distributive property to mentally multiply up to 3-digit by 3-digit numbers.
dreambox math teacher tools open arrays

Fifth Grade


Division within 10,000 with Remainders

Students use snap blocks to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
dreambox teacher tools Multiplication and Division Division within 10 000 with Remainders

Fraction Multiplication 2

Students compose rectangles to solve fraction multiplication problems with understanding.
dreambox teacher tools Multiplication and Division Fraction Multiplication 2

Addition & Subtraction

Decimal Sums on the Number Line

The purpose of this lesson is for students demonstrate an understanding of friendly equations to solve one‐step addition and subtraction equations.
dreambox math teacher tools decimal sums

Sixth Grade


Supplementary and Vertical Angles

Students find unknown angles using supplementary, adjacent, and vertical angle relationships.
dreambox teacher tools Geometry Coordinate Grids: Location and Measurement

Coordinate Grids: Lines of Reflection

Students compose rectangles to solve fraction multiplication problems with understanding.
dreambox teacher tools Geometry Coordinate Grids: Lines of Reflection

Number Sense and Proportional Reasoning

Decimal Sums on the Number Line

Students will correctly identify the location of a rational number in decimal form on a number line.
dreambox math teacher tools decimal on number line

Proportional Reasoning on a Double Number Line

Students will correctly identify a number and equivalent fractions based upon a given fraction and a whole.
dreambox math teacher tools double number

Ratios and Equivalent Measurements

Students use a ratio table to create and record equivalent measurements by multiplying whole, decimal and fraction numbers in the context of a recipe.

dreambox math teacher tools ratios

Seventh Grade


Supplementary and Vertical Angles

Students will create a coordinate grid with the axes and origin then correctly identifying ordered pairs.
dreambox teacher tools Geometry Supplementary and Vertical Angles

Number Sense and Proportional Reasoning

Fraction and Decimal Sums

Students develop fluency with addition & subtraction of fractions & decimals by choosing two numbers that have a target sum.
dreambox math teacher tools fraction and decimal sums

Subtracting Integers

Students use a number line and only the subtraction operation to solve for a variable in start, change, or result unknown situations.
dreambox math teacher tools subtracting integers

Integer Operations

When given an equation involving multiplication, division, and two unknown values, students use integers to create an expression that is equal to a target value.
dreambox math teacher tools integer operations

Eighth Grade


Factoring Quadratic Expressions with Arrays

Students will create a coordinate grid with the axes and origin then correctly identifying ordered pairs.
dreambox teacher tools Algebra Factoring Quadratic Expressions with Arrays


Polynomial Functions and Scatter Plots

Students model linear, quadratic, and cubic relationships by analyzing a scatterplot and representing it with a function in either standard or factored form.
dreambox math teacher tools polynomial functions

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